Msizi Radio Ndlovu

Radio Khwezi, a star that shines brightly

Radio Khwezi (morning star in Zulu), is a community radio station that draws talent from the community. One of its presenters, Mzikayise Ndlovu, is a very talented youngster who joined the radio station in 2008. He fulfils many roles at the station but being a presenter is top of his list. He likes to help where he can and even works in the garden at the radio station when the gardener does not turn up! He is a passionate writer and has authored eight books.

This man is an inspiration and an hour in his company is very uplifting! His life experiences include taking care of his family’s cattle as a young boy because his parents could not pay school fees; struggling to attend and finish school due to an endless lack of finances; working in other people’s gardens to get money to further his schooling; starting primary school and finishing two grades in one year; and eventually ending up at Radio Khwezi as a guest when he was in Grade 11. Here he could demonstrate his passion for drama, poetry, acting, and presenting. Mzisi shared his love of photography with me and left me a voicemail, “I would love to become involved with an inspiring  magazine such as Devoted, especially to take photos and uplift  people.”


It is not easy for people from impoverished rural communities to break the cycle. But Mzisi is living proof that it is possible if you put your mind to it. He did not give up on his studies, and despite hardships, he finished school, became a teacher, and later joined Radio Khwezi permanently. He now pays it forward to the community.

Mzisi is especially thankful to Radio Khwezi’s management for allowing local community members to showcase their talents. His work at the station has allowed him to create a foundation that helps other impoverished, talented youngsters with school registration fees and uniforms. Two of his many outreach projects include a poetry and a spelling competition. This is his way of helping the next generation develop their God-given talents. “But it is all for God’s glory”, says the humble young man. “If I see my neighbour happy, then it is when I am happy.”

Radio Khwezi is a non-profit radio station based at KwaSizabantu Mission. They are one of South Africa’s most successful and largest rural community radio stations; they serve the north coast and KwaZulu-Natal Midlands and broadcast to more than 100,000 listeners. The station’s essence is built on Christian values.



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