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  • Research has shown that Christian readers are responsive to Christian magazines. They have a tendency to establish very strong bonds with their publications and many view them as not only sources of information but also as valuable guides in life’s journey.
  • The love and trust they have in their publications often spills over to the advertisements, which they regularly use to acquire information on products and services of interest to them. In fact, they tend to value these publications so highly that they often refer back an average of 2.3 times to re-read past issues. What this effectively means to the average advertiser, is that every advertisement that they place in these magazines enjoys additional exposure from the longer shelf life.Our advertisements are just as much part of our readers appeal as our photographs and articles.
  • Our readers are personally involved with our advertisers, having called them about a product or services. Most of our readers keep their magazines, or pass them on to other family members – which mean that you now have a nearly permanent shelf-life for your advertisement.
  • As part of our policy to continually enhance our services to our “family of advertisers”, we have added additional benefits so that the advertisement can have a longer shelf-life. Devoted is also available on our website in an electronic version. You can read all the articles online, as this electronic version is created as a flip-over document.


To discuss your advertising options contact us:

Gerda Potgieter

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