KZN bridge washed away

Together we can make an impact

Helen Keller was quoted to say, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, and the aQuellé KHULA Clean-Up team show us how KHULA it is to work together! The joined the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment at the Blue Lagoon Beach to start cleaning up after the flood disaster in eThekwini. Volunteers are working hard at cleaning up litter and debris that washed up on the beaches and a number of clean-ups are planned in these areas affected by the devastating floods.

aQuelle Team
aQuelle Team

The KHULA Clean-Up campaign extends to various parts of the country and has been welcomed as a positive change which everyone can be part of!  Gladson Songelwa, from aQuellé, said: “We are saddened by the devastation in our province. It brings us joy to be able to help by cleaning up our communities as part of our KHULA Clean-Up campaign and to refresh the hard-working volunteers with aQuellé.”  

KZN lady with leg injury
KZN lady with leg injury

aQuellé has partnered with various organisations by donating, and in many cases distributing, save bottled water to distressed families in the areas most affected by the floods. Many settlements are affected by the floods in KZN now have a shortage of clean water; and many people became ill. aQuellé started to provide relief in some of those areas during the floods. The first area they have targeted was the Ntuzuma informal settlement in eThekwini which has been severely affected by the heavy rains. They also donated tons of water to the Doctors For Life International (DFL) team to distribute through their medical outreaches to the Kwamashu area where the devastation is unprecedented.  In this area houses and bridges were swept away by the floods as well as people. Some of them have not yet been found and the family members have no closure!

KZN bridge washed away
KZN bridge washed away

In the aftermath of the floods, aQuellé Its KHULA to clean up teams immediately sprang into action to help cleaning up and also joined other clean-up operations to make a bigger impact. Working together is the only way in which we can help, clean-up and make an impact after a disaster such as the one KZN and its people experience. We are in it together and together we will make a difference!

KZN young man with aQuellé
KZN young man with aQuellé

Read more about the KHULA clean-up campaign on

Image credits: All pictures provided by DFL International and aQuellé


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