
Aid to Africa through the Doctors for Life programme

The Aid to Africa outreach programme of the Doctors For Life International organization addresses the need of poverty-stricken sub-Saharan countries. It provides free medical examination, does eye surgery, and supplies medical treatment through short-term, mobile medical clinics. Groups of people, including specialists, doctors, and helpers donate their time and expertise for a brief period to provide free surgery and care in remote places in sub-Saharan Africa where people are in huge need of medical assistance. During these outreaches, they also facilitate primary health education in communities and healthcare workers’ training.

Vulnerable communities are at higher risk of poor health because of harsh socio-economic realities. They suffer from illnesses or disabilities, and many communities in sub-Saharan Africa fall under the category of vulnerable communities.

Success stories

  • More than 250 000 people have been helped free of charge
  • Over 4 500 people received free glasses and can see better, and
  • A further 200+ dental patients found relief.
  • A medical and maternity clinic in Zavora, Mozambique (established in 2009), where approximately 25 000 patients have been treated free of charge, and
  •  A second clinic in Chikuluma, Malawi (established in 2019).

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